Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ellie the elephant and the wonky bridge.

In the rain forest there lived three animals called Piper the small brown puppy, Lilly the strong lion and Ellie the huge elephant .

One morning Ellie the huge elephant was out looking for a mud pool. She found one but it was on the other side of a wonky bridge Ellie the elephant walked across it and then the bridge broke. Ellie the elephant held on to one of the bridge pieces. Piper the puppy saw Ellie the elephant she was screaming like mad. Piper the puppy tried to help but she couldn’t because she was too heavy. Lilly the lion saw Ellie the Elephant and piper the puppy and helped Ellie because she was so strong. It worked, Ellie the elephant was free!!!!!

By Bella


  1. I think that your story is awesome Bella

  2. i like your story and i love ellie the elephant and piper the puppy and lilly the lion.

    by hayley lol

  3. awesome bella i like your story alot!!!!! :)
    by paris! :)

  4. Bella i love your story its really really awesome

    by brooke :)

  5. bella i think your story should be in a library its so good :) :> :b :B ")
    by brooke
