Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Adventures of Jasper and Chaos

Anna Raeburn has spent the last 11 months writing a book called "The Adventures of Jasper and Chaos". All the team are really proud of her skills and her great attitude. This book is a real page turner.
To all the team 26 members or friends and family who would like to purchase this book you can do so by following this link and typing "Anna Raeburn" into the search engine.


All proceeds are going to the Samaritan Tiger charity.

Great work Anna!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nadias Earthquake Poem

Earthquakes make us cry.
Earthquakes rumble and shake.
Earthquakes make church’s tumble
People cry because people died.
They get upset because there jobs tumbled down.

So let us know that we will be strong Christchurch
Kia Kaha Christchurch

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our "Door to the South Pole Opened" Writing

The door to the South Pole opened to reveal a white carpet that covered Christchurch. There was enough snow for about 10,000 snowballs.

Snowballs are cold, round, freezing, wet, white and made of snow. You can find a snowball in chilly, icy, frosty, snowy weather like it was in Christchurch. You can use a snowball for snow sculptures and snowball fights.

We would be lucky if penguins followed the weather because we would get to see Emperor, Adelie, Gentoo, King and Rock hopper penguins. We would also be unlucky if penguins came because once the snow had melted they would be too hot.

The snowy end. By Sasha

The door to the south pole opened, the snow blew in so we had a snowball fight. A snowball is a spherical object made from snow. Scoop it up in your hands and make a small sized ball. The weather needs to be zero degrees or above as it gives the snow more water to be able to make the snowball. If its too cold 0 degrees or below the snow is powdery and becomes crumbly

By Paris chambers

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our Flower Experiment for Procedural Writing

In team 26 we have been practicing writing procedures. Our Procedures include a title, a goal and a list of materials. We write step by step instructions so that someone could read our procedure and do the task we have written about. Our instructions always have a verb (doing word) at the start of our instructions.

Here are some photos of us making flowers to see how water can effect materials.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ellie the elephant and the wonky bridge.

In the rain forest there lived three animals called Piper the small brown puppy, Lilly the strong lion and Ellie the huge elephant .

One morning Ellie the huge elephant was out looking for a mud pool. She found one but it was on the other side of a wonky bridge Ellie the elephant walked across it and then the bridge broke. Ellie the elephant held on to one of the bridge pieces. Piper the puppy saw Ellie the elephant she was screaming like mad. Piper the puppy tried to help but she couldn’t because she was too heavy. Lilly the lion saw Ellie the Elephant and piper the puppy and helped Ellie because she was so strong. It worked, Ellie the elephant was free!!!!!

By Bella

Four Budgies in a House and a Cat

There once was a house where four budgies and a cat lived. Their names were Blueberry the budgie, Snowey the budgie, Kakapo the budgie, Grey Sky the budgie and Monet the cat.

One day Monet got stuck behind the TV and got tangled in the black and blue and red and yellow wires. He tried and tried to get out of the wires but he couldn’t get out of being behind the TV.

Blueberry flew down to try to get him out but he couldn’t get him out. So she yelled to Snowey to come down and get him out and she tried to get him out and couldn’t.
So Snowey yelled to Kakapo and then he flew down and they JUST couldn’t get him out.

So Kakapo yelled to Grey Sky and he just glided down and he untangled the wires. All the other budgies got him out and he thanked them all.

Grey Sky flew away and that was the most heroic day of his life.

By Mason

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Playful Leopard seal!

Mumbles the baby penguin was trying to learn to swim by himself because his mum, Emma was waiting on the shore of Antarctica. Then Emma saw Amelia, the seal swimming by and waved to say hello.

Mumbles felt nice and confident in the water. He asked his caring, mother Emma if he was doing well. Emma said ‘yes’. On his way back down, Mumbles saw a Leopard seal that was white with brown spots. The cute leopard seal was Amelia but Mumbles did not know that the leopard seal was nice. Mumbles thought that Amelia was going to eat him.

Then Emma heard all types of crying, screaming and squawking. Emma came over to keep Mumbles warm from it or scare it away or nip it. She found out she needed to nip it because it was a leopard seal. She was just about to nip it when the poor seal swam away and Emma told Mumbles that it was only Amelia the kind baby leopard seal!
By Sasha.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Goodmen saves the day

One day at the river there was a great rescue staring Premo a little white mouse with a few brown spots, Reginald a black sheepdog with a few white patches. Goodmen a little brown fantail and John Reginald’s owner. They live in a little brown cottage near the deep blue river. Around them was a huge green forest.

One day John decided to take Reginald down to the river. John threw a stick for Reginald. Reginald swam out to get it. John saw Reginald get sucked under the water he let out a huge BARK! Premo heard a huge bark and ran out to investigate .He saw Reginald and then before you could say “Swiss cheese” he had scurried back into his mouse hole and threw on his swimsuit and had jumped in the river. He started doing freestyle to Reginald. Then Premo was squeaking in the whirlpool.

Goodmen the fantail woke up to a racket. He flew outside to do some good yelling. He got quite a fright seeing a drowning dog and mouse. Straight away he turned back into the marine he used to be when he was younger.He flew so fast you could only see a blur. He was right above Reginald then Goodmen pecked him he pecked him so hard he went flying out of the whirlpool. Then he flew down and picked up Premo and dropped him on the ground. John was so grateful that he said Premo can come stay with their mouse Jerry. Goodmen can come stay with their budgie.
By Luca.W

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A new Henry Sugar ending by Anna R

“I now will go and get lots and lots of money from the Casino and then I can go and give it all to the Animal Foundations”. So in exactly one week and two days Henry Sugar flew to Sumatra and donated $ 20, 0000 to the Sumatran Tiger foundation.
Then he flew to China and donated $ 18,0000 to the Panda foundation he then flew to America and donated $16,0000 to the S.P.C.A and the Stray Dog Foundation. So that went on for another 20 years winning money from the casinos. Until one day he was in Brazil and suddenly two men came up to him and said “Hey we’ve been spying on you for over 6 months and we’re getting a bit suspicious” “Oh no okay go ahead handcuff me” said Henry “Oh no we’d like to make you president of the United States because Barrack Obama is to busy going out with John Key playing golf and talking about budgets!!!!!”


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Team 19s Top Homework Jokes as voted by us.

Q.Why do cows have cow bells?

A. Because their horns don't work.

By Hayley

Q.What do you call a deer with no eyes?

A. No Idea

Q. What do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs ?

A.Still no idea.

Q. What do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs and on fire?

A.Still no flaming idea.

By Anna R

Q. What's fifty metres long and jumps every 10 seconds.

A. A dinosaur with hiccups.

By Bella

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jordans new ending to Henry Sugar

One night Henry Sugar was at the London Casino. He was playing Flap Jack. He was winning. He had won 20,000 pounds in one night. He noticed a man was watching him. The man was a policeman. The person dealing the cards was tall, skinny and pale. He dealt one more hand to Henry sugar. Henry bet 10,000 pounds to win. Henry won the game.
The next morning the policeman from last night at the casino came to his hotel room. He said to Henry "you will go to jail but if you pay me 40,000 pounds you won't go to jail". Henry said "okay". The policeman said to get dressed in his uniform in case someone had also seen him and leave the hotel. He said "put the money under the mattress and tie me up to the chair and cover my eyes".
Henry walked down to the elevator and then he saw another policeman. He ignored him and walked out.

By Jordan

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Renees new ending to Henry Sugar.

One day Henry Sugar went into a casino and won heaps of money. He decided that he wanted to build a time machine in his workshop to visit the dinosaurs to find out how they live.
He found some metal,glass,gears and a driving wheel.He had made a plane before so he knew what he would do. He fiddled and fixed until he had what was on his blueprint. He hopped in and started the engine by pressing the start button (this button had some writing on it which said start) he felt himself take off.
There he was back in time, he saw giant sauropods and flying dinosaurs. He saw deserts everywhere. After one day he went home to tell everyone about the dinosaurs. In the end he became a paleontologist just like he wanted to.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Healthy Eating

Hi team 19 have a look at this great you tube clip to get an idea about our next focus in our topic time.

Above the you tube clip is our own heart foundations food pyramid.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Giant Egg

The chicken that laid this egg must be a giant chicken. The chicken said "I don't want my baby egg to get cooked and die". Then the egg got cooked and the chicken started crying hard out "Oh know what have I done?".

By Brooke

Team 19s T-Shirt Ideas

Last week for homework team 19 was set the task of designing a T-Shirt to fund raise for the people effected by the earthquake. These are a few examples of what we designed. The designers were Luca, Luca and Nadia.